I want to be this girl for you
A certain girl
She’s grand
She’s dearing
That girl that got away
It’s how they reference her
I want her to appear for you
Like a switch
I’ve been able to turn her on
And pour her out
But I’m beginning to think she doesn’t exist anymore
She had to dip somewhere in 2019
And never came back
I’ve tried fast lovers
And spontaneous adventurous
They usually do the trick
But she doesn’t appear
I’m trying to find her for you
She knows how to love people like you
She knows how to love everyone
I thought she’d be perfect for you
But she’s missing in action
When I need her most
Because I want this the most
I feel deserted
All I want is you
But it’s not working
Because I’m not her
And if I’m not her
How did you even get here
And what do you want
What does she want
New me, who dis
- Courtney Marshall